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We try to take pictures at each event sponsored by the Catholic Women of Zion, but there are times when the webmaster is unable to attend an event. If anyone else takes pictures and is willing to share by having them on this website, please email them to CWOZ Photo Galleries.

Photos from February 10, 2024, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from December 9, 2023, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from October 14, 2023, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from August 12, 2023, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from May 20, 2023, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from April 15, 2023, Chapter 2 Retreat

Photos from February 11, 2023, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from October 22, 2022, Chapter 2 Retreat

Photos from September 10, 2022, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from April 9, 2022, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from March 26, 2022, Chapter 3 Retreat

Photos from March 12, 2022, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from December 11, 2021, Chapter 1 Retreat

Photos from November 13, 2021, Chapter 1 Retreat

For photos from retreats before 2021, hold your cursor on the Photos Tab and scroll down to see the photos for the retreat you wish to see.