July 2020 Petitions

Please pray for the special intentions of those below


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Roy M. who died earlier this week. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Also please pray for his family in their time of loss. Amen.

Stephanie, NJ

Please pray for a couple discerning new jobs or a new career after the husband was laid off from his job. Also, help with family care-giving responsibilities.

Mary Ann, PA

Please Pray for Barbara to continue to heal from surgery yesterday. She also has MS and is living in an assisted living home. 

Mary Ann, NJ

CONCERNING UPDATE: We just prayed for 19-year-old Gianna who recently had a 12 hour cancer operation. She is now in septic shock and in a coma induced by her doctor. She needs your prayers for her complete healing and restored health. 

Mary Ann, NJ

Please join me in praying for a family in Haiti (and all the people there).  

I have been praying for a man named Chiler.  He has a wife and 7 children. He hasn't had any income since February and food and water are difficult to get without money - He advised me that he, and his family, will be evicted from their home on July 15. He shared that rent is paid a year in advance and he does not have the money to pay the rent. 

Please pray also for the many missions in Haiti as they try to help but also do not have enough to go around. 

Thank you for your time and prayer for this family, and all in Haiti who suffer so much. I've been seeking the intercession of many Saints and Venerable Pierre Toussaint, who was a native Haitian. Come Holy Spirit as we ask, seek and knock for Your intervention for Your poor and suffering children in Haiti.  

Viola, WT NJ