Newsletter - July 2013
Dear Parishioners,
We are happy to share with everyone the wonderful
experience of The Catholic Women of Zion, an
outreach ministry, of our
Diocese. They had a
half –day retreat in our parish yesterday. It is
always great to see other parishioners from some
neighboring parishes who are involved in their
ministry as they spread
the Good News of Jesus.
On Monday, July 15, as we check on our parish web
site, the Filipino Priests
of the Diocese of Trenton
are coming to the parish. We are happy to welcome
and host the gathering of our Man of the Cloth as
they are going to have the Holy Hour, Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament and prayers in the Church.
Lunch is served after the prayers and the formal
meeting follows.
This Sunday we celebrate the 15th Sunday in
Ordinary Time and our focus is: If we do not love
God before, beyond and above all things, we cannot
love ourselves or our neighbors.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus and a scholar of the law
debate about the greatest commandments in the
law. They are in agreement that we should love the
Lord our God with all our heart, being, strength and
mind and that we should love our neighbor as
ourselves. And who is my neighbor? Asks the
scholar, thus introducing the Parable of the Good
Samaritan, a story we have heard for so many
times. The word neighbor is rooted in the Old
English words “near” (neah) and
“a dweller” (gebur). A
neighbor, then, is one who
dwells near. A certain individual can live in what
was called a row home; all the houses on their street
were attached. Neighbors were those who literally
lived next door.
Today’s Gospel readings take the definition of a
neighbor beyond physical nearness. When the
lawyer asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” he was
asking about the requirement of the law that
commanded that one love one’s neighbor as oneself.
Jesus’ answer went to the heart of the issue. To be a
neighbor was to reach out to help anyone in need,
setting aside any barriers that either society or
selfishness might set up.
To be a neighbor was to
open one’s heart to another, recognizing in the
other the image of the God who created them. To
be a neighbor was to treat another with mercy.
O God, who placed your law in our hearts, help us
to remember your nearness to us in the depths of
our being, and to allow your Son’s law of love to
guide what we see, say, and do. May we increase
our openness to your Spirit and how your Spirit
guides us. Amen.
May God bless us all,
Father Angelito
Reprinted with permission from St. Catherine of Siena Church's July 14, 2013 Bulletin