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July 2022 Petitions

Please pray for the special intentions of those below


All, I received a call from Mary Schodowski. It seems her Daughter-in-Law Terry has a sister, Lori, who is on Hospice, her death is imminent. Please keep Lori in your prayers and also please offer prayers for Terry and the family as they suffer through the loss of Lori.

Thank you, Theresa

Hi all, I am asking for prayers for Stephanie, who is having some health issues . Please keep her in your prayers. Stephanie was unable to perform her duties at our last Retreat due to pain from cracked ribs. That situation has improved, but there are other issues that need our prayers.

Thank you and Blessings Theresa

Please pray for successful surgery for my granddaughter Samantha tomorrow. She was in a car accident 10 years ago and needed 2 surgeries. As a result this upcoming surgery is triggering panic attacks.

Thank you for the prayers for my Son-in-law John. His surgery went well.

Thank you,
God Bless
Joanne, Brick

Good morning Everyone,

I hope this email finds you well. We are requesting prayer for Belen from our prayer group. She is in the hospital with Covid and is very sick. Let's decree and declare for her complete healing in Jesus’ name.

We will keep you posted.

Blessings, Maria Colon.

Dear all,   As you recall my Katie had her baby Riley last July. While pregnant she had developed a brain tumor and I thank you for all your prayers that got her safely through her pregnancy. She had the tumor removed A short time after Riley  was born.  She’s now in The six month of her second pregnancy. She had been doing very well until last week when she had a grand mal seizure.  She is currently doing OK  after having been checked out at the hospital and the doctors are regulating her seizure medication which will take a little time to do. In the meanwhile she’s restricted from driving but otherwise continues with normal activities.   I truly believe that all of our prayers got Katie safely through this last incident with no damage to her or the baby. Please continue to keep Katie in your daily prayers. Riley will be one year old on 21 July.  Dear Lord, we put Katie and the precious child she’s carrying in your hands for safety and health , please be with her each day. Praise
and thank you Lord. 

Thank you all, Marge

Please pray for successful back surgery for my son-in-law John. He will be undergoing the surgery this Thursday.

Thank you,
God Bless

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Lauren 34 year old mother of 2 year old Lucia had a 24 hour surgery on Sept, 24th 2020 at JFK Hospital Neuroscience Institute, for a large benign tumor sitting on her brain stem, the medical diagnosis is Vastibular Schwannoma/ Acoustic Neuroma.

Her recovery was an answer to all the prayers, and Lauren needs another miracle and prayer as that tumor has grown back and she is having Gama Knife SX which is less invasive, today to remove it and the root, hopefully for the last time.

Please pray our Devine Physician will perform a healing miracle for Lauren and that His peace, grace and mercy will abound to her family.

Thank you,

Please pray for Becky, special intentions.

Thank you,
God Bless

Please pray for my best friend who has been diagnosed with stage 4 non hodgkin's large b cell lymphoma. She will be starting chemo this week.

Terri, Mercerville NJ

Please keep the sister of Karen Hands, Roe, in your prayers. Roe had surgery for multiple hernias Friday morning. She is home now and doing well. Praise Jesus. We pray for a complete and healthy recovery.

Blessings, Theresa

Please keep my friend Mary Cole in your prayers; she has been hospitalized with cancer. The doctors have taken her off medications. This is very serious.

Thank you, Theresa