June 2020 Petitions

Please pray for the special intentions of those below


Let us give thanks and praise to God our Father who has given Suzanne S. the greatest miracle she can receive through Jesus Christ.  On June 18, our Blessed Mother and her Guardian Angels, guided Suzanne to Jesus who brought her home to her Heavenly Father and our Father.  We share in the sorrow and loss with her family and friends, but we also rejoice that, through her faith in Jesus' sacrifice, she has received her eternal reward in Heaven.  Suzanne believed that "God has a plan" for her life and trusted in Him everyday of her life. We pray that, as she was a powerful prayer warrior when here with us, she will continue to be a powerful intercessor with all the angels and saints. Thank you and behalf of Suzanne's family for praying for her while she was ill and even now.  We know that all prayers are heard and answered in Christ Jesus.  Amen.

Viola, WT NJ

Please pray for Suzanne S. who is very ill at UPenn awaiting a lung transplant.  Her antibodies are too high at the moment for the surgeons to proceed at moment.  Suzanne needs a miracle so that she can have the transplant or that her lungs clear.  She has deep faith that God always has a plan for our lives and has entrusted herself to His Divine Will.  Thank you and Glory to God.

Viola, WT NJ